Vernon | David – The Legal 500

Vernon | David a fost apreciată în cadrul prestigiosului clasament The Legal 500, care a poziționat firma pe palierul I la categoria Leading Firms – Europe, Middle East & Africa.

De asemenea, The Legal 500 i-a remarcat la categoria Leading individuals pe av. Diana Neagu, iar la categoria Rising Stars pe  av. Sergiu Bivol, Managing Attorney Vernon | David.

Vernon | David has grown to become one of the leading firms in Moldova since it first opened an office in the country in 2008. Under the leadership of Diana Neagu, who manages the Chisinau office, it has built up a strong track record in big-ticket corporate and finance transactions, restructurings, regulatory matters, labour law cases, environmental law matters and construction projects. Neagu is particularly well-known among some of the largest banks in Romania, and Central and Eastern Europe. The firm also generates a strong flow of work from multinational companies. Neagu works with recently promoted managing attorney Sergiu Bivol, who handles domestic and international litigation and arbitration, and is also active in corporate transactions. Senior lawyer Roman Ivanov and Ion Capatina are also names to note. Neagu and Ivanov are assisting Turkish investors with setting up a renewable energy production company in Moldova; this will be one of the largest ever renewable energy investments in the country.

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