Efrim, Roșca și Asociații – The Legal 500

Efrim, Roșca și Asociații a fost apreciată în cadrul prestigiosului clasament The Legal 500, care a poziționat firma pe palierul III la categoria Leading Firms – Europe, Middle East & Africa.

De asemenea, The Legal 500 l-a remarcat la categoria Leading individuals pe av. Oleg Efrim, Managing Partner Efrim, Roșca și Asociații & Partners.

Efrim, Roșca și Asociații & Partners acts for industry-leading Moldovan companies across sectors including renewable energy, banking and finance, healthcare and real estate, among others. The firm has a particularly strong reputation in litigation and features prominently in high-profile and precedent-setting cases; in one highlight, Oleg Efrim and associate attorney Marin Balta represented Proeuroconsult in a landmark case regarding the payment of an insurance indemnity derived from a Casco insurance agreement. Also notable is Efrim, Vladislav Rosca and others acting for Metro Cash and Carry in a landmark copyright infringement case against Association “Copyright and Related Rights” in Moldova and the National Association for the Protection of Intellectual Creation. Ilona Panurco departed for the World Bank.

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